Hello! We wanted to take a moment to update you on the latest developments with our C-Note app. Over the past week, our team has been hard at work on incorporating the feedback that was provided to us. Here's a quick rundown of what we've been up to:
Physical Puzzle Pieces: We now have physical puzzle pieces that we can be connected together and tracked with our C-Note app. The image on each puzzle piece helps to denote what the puzzle represent.
Fixed image tracking: We have greatly improved our image tracking ability to be more reliable and accurate, as well as enabling them to work with our physical puzzle pieces.
UI overhaul: We've also been working on a major overhaul of our app's user interface, specifically to make the app more intuitive and user-friendly. This includes adding a play/pause button to make it easier to control your sound effects, as well as getting rid of the old songbook UI overlay to create a cleaner, more streamlined experience when selecting between the different songs we have available.
Animated 3D visualizations: We've created and implemented some amazing new animated 3D visualizations for our effects which gets displayed on top of our physical puzzle pieces. These visualizations help to bring your sound design creations to life, adding a new level of depth and immersion to the experience and hopefully make it interesting for people to test out the different effects that we offer.
Research: Lastly, we have wrapped up our research report and have conducted an interview with Ben Culver, a music educator near Ann Arbor, who has given us valuable feedback on the app's approach as well as setting up our pricing plan. Previously, we also have interviewed Kiera Saltz, a Performance Arts Technology faculty member here at University of Michigan's SMTD. We also received critical feedback on potentially incorporating gamification into the app and including as much hands-on experience with as many tactile elements as we can.
Playtesting Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AucFv328YjB_q28XgYwdXSHPj088Pk6J2ykL6ynyPFU/edit?usp=sharing
Video Demonstration: